Do you offer international shipping?
Yes, the Picocosmos webstore ships to most countries around the world. If your country is not available as a shipping option please feel free to get in touch through the contact tab on this website.

How long does international shipping take?
All items from the Picocosmos webstore are shipped from New Zealand during week days. Orders typically take 2-4 weeks to reach North America and Europe.

How much does shipping cost?
Shipping is calculated at checkout and depends on the size of your order and which country you're shipping to.

Are the shipments tracked?
Orders from the Picocosmos webstore by default are not tracked. This is because of the high international shipping costs from New Zealand, so it's done to keep costs down for the customers. If you're interested in getting your order tracked please get in touch via the contact tab on this website, though keep it mind it will usually double the shipping cost.

I need to cancel my order, what do I do?
Contact us through the "Contact" tab on this website with the order confirmation number as soon as you decide to cancel your order. As long as the order has not yet shipped, we can cancel it for a full refund.
If the order has shipped, we can only offer a refund of the item(s) minus the shipping fee upon the return of the merchandise.